Inauguration of President Ruud set for October 14

Inauguration of President Ruud set for October 14

Dr. Ruud’s interview with Lucy. Image is a still shot from the interview.

Lucy Welles

Dr. William N. Ruud will be officially inaugurated as Marietta College’s 19th President during a ceremony on Friday, Oct. 14 in the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center. The academic procession begins at 10:00 a.m. with the inauguration shortly after. The inauguration is open to the whole of campus. Classes held between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. will be cancelled to allow students and professors to attend.

WCMO’s Lucy Welles recently sat down for an interview with Rudd which will air on Oct. 18 at 12:30 and 6:30 p.m. on SuddenLink channel 15. A preview is below.

L: What hooked you on Marietta?

R: First of all, the opportunity is the private sector, the opportunity is some things that I’ve done in the past in terms of increasing enrollment, increasing endowment, putting things together on campus so that we’re going in the right direction, putting together a strategic plan, coming back to Ohio! I started my career in Toledo, I think a lot of people don’t know that I started my career at the University of Toledo, so I’ve come full circle, from 1981 when I was a young assistant professor at the University of Toledo, to 2016 back in Southeast Ohio at Marietta College.