Midterm Study Tips

Midterm Study Tips

Morgan Ahlstrom


It’s that time of year again that all students dread, midterms. This can be a stressful time of year for many students, so it is important to take into account all you can do to make your life just much easier.

The first way to help yourself is by simply finding what way of studying is most beneficial to you. Is it by going over your notes, reading the textbook, making index card, or something else? Remember that every class could require a different studying tactic, so make sure to explore multiple studying options. For some, it could benefit you to study with other people, so reach out to Marietta Colleges resources at the website marietta.edu/academic-resources or study with a fellow student if needed.

Furthermore, it could be beneficial to make a schedule of when to study for each class. Studies say that studying for smaller periods of time over more days helps your brain remember more information. Consider writing down when and how long you plan to study in a planner. It is also important to remember to take small breaks every 30 minutes or so to let the brain process the information.

The last study tip is to change the location of where you are studying. Try mimicking the environment you will be in for the actual test to the best of your ability. This means you can study at the desk you plan to take your midterm or taking a trip to the school’s library for peace and quiet.

Doing one or all of these tips may help you feel better prepared for your midterms. It is also vital to not be stressed out by academic performance. If you need help contact the Academic Resource Center for their tutoring services and learning center. Or the Marietta College Center for Health and Wellness.